The Clinton Body Count
The Clinton body count is a conspiracy theory centered around the belief that former U.S. President Bill Clinton and his wife, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, have secretly had their political opponents murdered, often made to look like suicides, totaling as many as 50 or more listed victims.
In a 1994 letter to congressional leaders, former Rep. William Dannemeyer listed 24 people with some connection to the Clintons who had died "under other than natural circumstances" and called for hearings on the matter. Dannemeyer's list of "suspicious deaths" was largely taken from one compiled by Linda Thompson, an Indianapolis lawyer who in 1993 quit her year-old general practice to run her American Justice Federation, a for-profit group that promotes pro-gun causes and various conspiracy theories through a shortwave radio program, a computer bulletin board, and sales of its newsletter and videos. Her list, called "The Clinton Body Count: Coincidence or the Kiss of Death?" then contained the names of 34 people she believed had died suspiciously and who had ties to the Clinton family.
A 2007 version of the "Clinton Body Count" list was headed with this entry: 'James McDougal — Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation.' The McDougal entry was not part of the "Clinton Body Count" list as it circulated in 1998.
None Dare Call It Conspiracy — The Plaza Theatre - Atlanta, GA - 2009